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Concert 11 |
Concert 11


Espacio Turina |
12:00 h.

Cuartetos con Oboe: Raíces españolas.

FERRER FERRAN | Horus, Concertino para oboe y trío de cuerdas
JOSÉ MARÍA SÁNCHEZ- VERDÚ | Paisajes mecánicos para oboe, violín, viola y violonchelo
JESÚS SANCHO VELÁZQUEZ | Cuarteto nº 2 para oboe, violín, viola y violonchelo (2024) (Estreno mundial)
MARÍA EUGENIA LUC | Luma galdu bat bezala para oboe, violín, viola y violonchelo
JESÚS TORRES | Cuarteto con oboe

Cuarteto Emispherio
Oboe | Sarah Roper
Violin | Vladimir Dmitrienco
Viola | Jerome Ireland
Violoncello | Gretchen Talbot

Concert 11 | Program notes
Concert 11
Program notes

This morning’s chamber concert offers an intriguing panorama of works composed for this rather uncommon ensemble by several Spanish composers (with the exception of the Argentinian María Eugenia Luc, born in 1958, who has strong ties to the Basque Country). All the composers were born in the 1960s and are now in the prime of their creative maturity. This is an opportunity to hear live performances of pieces typically found only on specialized recording labels.

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With Ferrer Ferrán (Valencia, 1966), a prolific composer for orchestra and wind band, we delve into Egyptian mythology with Horus (2007), the celestial and healing god. This is followed by Mechanical Landscapes by Sánchez-Verdú (Algeciras, 1968), written in 1994 and premiered in Tangier the following year.

The program fulfills its commitment to promoting contemporary music with the world premiere of String Quartet No. 2 by Sancho Velázquez (Alcalá del Río, 1962), a violinist with the ROSS. A self-taught musician, he began composing in 1993.

From María Eugenia Luc (Rosario, 1958), who is deeply interested in the world of fractals, we will hear a work from 2015 written for the Irauli Quartet, Luma galdu bat bezala (“Like a Lost Feather”), titled after a poem by Joseba Sarrionandi.

Finally, from the extensive catalog of Jesús Torres (Zaragoza, 1965), a composer deeply engaged with Spanish poetry, the program features his Quartet with Oboe (2009).